Friday, 30 December 2011
Company flow- 8 steps to perfection
I actually love this song. Yesterday it was in my head all day. And you know when you have a great tune in your head it must be rapped/sung!
So my mum was on the unfortunate receiving end of having to hear me rap random parts of this song!
Ahhh it was great!
Goonish Behaviour
Goonish behaviour?
Say What?
Well, I have something to confess - and this confession that Im about to make will make me sound like the largest douche ever!
So, a couple of months ago I heard a James Blake song played on BBCR1 and I was like, OMG James Blake (however I had James Blunt pictured in my mind) has come out with new material...
Not actually thinking any of it through, but then I looked up James Blake (as you do when you want to find out more about a band - naturally).
And I had a mini shock. I was like 'woahhh'. 'He's gone through some transformation!'
However, yesterday...I realised that I had clearly got them mixed up!
To be fair it can easily be done. They both have the names - James. And there surnames both begin with B...So dont hate haters! :P
I mean its goonish behaviour like that that doesnt get me far! :P
Remember to follow me on Twitter @Eskimo_Kiss123
I follow back, if you ask! Thanks x
Goonish behaviour?
Say What?
Well, I have something to confess - and this confession that Im about to make will make me sound like the largest douche ever!
So, a couple of months ago I heard a James Blake song played on BBCR1 and I was like, OMG James Blake (however I had James Blunt pictured in my mind) has come out with new material...
Not actually thinking any of it through, but then I looked up James Blake (as you do when you want to find out more about a band - naturally).
And I had a mini shock. I was like 'woahhh'. 'He's gone through some transformation!'
However, yesterday...I realised that I had clearly got them mixed up!
To be fair it can easily be done. They both have the names - James. And there surnames both begin with B...So dont hate haters! :P
I mean its goonish behaviour like that that doesnt get me far! :P
Remember to follow me on Twitter @Eskimo_Kiss123
I follow back, if you ask! Thanks x
James Blake,
James Blunt,
love music,
Mix up,
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Company Flow - 13. Vital Nerve
Found out about Company Flow 17mins at 7am :)
A Brookyln Underground Hiphop band.
Theyve been out for ages, but they havent blown out of the underground waters...I think they could do quite well!
Merry Christmas y'all!
Happy Holidays
Remember to follow me on twitter @Eskimo_Kiss123
Friday, 23 December 2011
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Phaeleh - Cosmic Funk.wmv
I love this, I literally just found this whilst looking for some more Von D stuff - I think this is pretty amazing though!
Right Now...
Today is a great day, because its the youngest you'll ever be again; and its oldest you've ever been...
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
I plan on making 2012 a better year...
Hey Eskimoz,
I hope youve been enjoying the music!
I plan on making 2012 a better year, starting off by not creating so many awkward moments...
I mean it doesnt get any worse then someone walking away when Im trying to talk to them. TBH the conversation was pretty shit (it was about the Theatre) but still...I was left thinking what a twat...and then I thought, maybe Im the twat. Haven't had a full conversation since, so worried it'll end the same way :/
Oh, and another awkward moment this year...was pretty awkward, and I kinda want to delete them from facebook...and then maybe add them again in the new year. Why? Because it simply doesn't get any more awkward than leaving a funny/weird message on someone's wall - tagging a mutual friend...
and receiving no reply :/ (I mean at least 2 people were aware of me leaving that message, and I didnt get a reply)
Me being me, I thought way too deep in to it...
But simply because Im embarrassed I dont wanna check the post. But to be completely honest, when I was last went on their wall (30mins ago) I was pretty sure I didnt see the post that I left there! Major AWKS.
So I really do want less of those!
These were all really recent as well! But Ive had my fair share of awkward moments in 2011. I'm sure of that!
Remember to follow me @Eskimo_Kiss123
-Tell me about your awkward moments.
I hope youve been enjoying the music!
I plan on making 2012 a better year, starting off by not creating so many awkward moments...
I mean it doesnt get any worse then someone walking away when Im trying to talk to them. TBH the conversation was pretty shit (it was about the Theatre) but still...I was left thinking what a twat...and then I thought, maybe Im the twat. Haven't had a full conversation since, so worried it'll end the same way :/
Oh, and another awkward moment this year...was pretty awkward, and I kinda want to delete them from facebook...and then maybe add them again in the new year. Why? Because it simply doesn't get any more awkward than leaving a funny/weird message on someone's wall - tagging a mutual friend...
and receiving no reply :/ (I mean at least 2 people were aware of me leaving that message, and I didnt get a reply)
Me being me, I thought way too deep in to it...
But simply because Im embarrassed I dont wanna check the post. But to be completely honest, when I was last went on their wall (30mins ago) I was pretty sure I didnt see the post that I left there! Major AWKS.
So I really do want less of those!
These were all really recent as well! But Ive had my fair share of awkward moments in 2011. I'm sure of that!
Remember to follow me @Eskimo_Kiss123
-Tell me about your awkward moments.
Velvet/Suede Wedge Boots
These "chunky mofo's" was worn at the xmas ball - and my feet (no joke) were killing me, it actually felt like my bone structure had changed! I suppose that was because I was dancing for so long!
Anyway...I thought I'd post them, because they are my fav. this year!
And the whole velvet/suede thing going on is a total hotty this season!
Monday, 19 December 2011
Lianne La Havas | No Room For Doubt | A Take Away Show
Lianne La Havas is beautiful and she has a stunning voice! I just loveee it!
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Portrait in Black and Blue (Fader Fort by Fiat 2011)
I love this song so much. I think Im in love with King Krule!
The Rej3ctz - Cat Daddy (Starring Chris Brown)
Cat Daddy -
I think people in the UK need to make up a dance! The Americans always have sik moves!
Cat Daddy,
Chris Brown,
The Rej3ctz,
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Friday, 16 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Florence and the Machine - Spectrum
I actually cant get over this song. Its so good.
Its by Florence and the Machine and its from the new album Ceremonials.
Brilliant track! Love it!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Sophia Grace Brownlee "Nicki Minaj Moment 4 Life"
I think this is just BRILLIANT! Sophia Grace Brownlee is a DON!
Annie Mac just posted this!
Dirty Gold- California Sunrise
Just heard it.
I thought it was pretty cool. Its chilled me out fo'sho - Niceeee :)
Monday, 12 December 2011
Neon Indian - Polish Girl
Im pretty sure I put this up!
I love this song (anyway), I believe the first time I heard it was on Made In Chelsea (MIC)
I love this song!
So niceee...So chilled...Like the perfect Sunday/Evening/Afternoon/Morning/Summer song! :P
Just perfect for everything!
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Was feeling a little down...Played some Lauryn Hill and she always has the same effect on me.
I loveeee Lauryn Hill - Just amazing in EVERY SINGLE WAY.
Jamie Woon - Spirals
I'm pretty sure I've put this up before - but I was on youtube and I saw it on the side! And I thought let me listen to this. Bliss - pure bliss!
I love playing some Jamie Woon on a Sunday afternoon!
James Blake - A Case Of You (Joni Mitchell cover)
Incredible cover! Just so amazing! I just heard it on BBCR1 - and I thought, it has to go up! People need to hear thisss NOW!
So, here it is. Enjoy x
BBC Radio 1,
James Blake,
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Charities - Lets raise some awareness!
I thought I'd leave you with a 'written' post rather than a link!
So, I'm guessing your wondering why I would name this post Charities?
Today, me and friend are doing some charity work to help Teenage Cancer Trust!
Its all for a good cause - so it should be quite nice!
One problem!
It looks so cold outside, I'm really not feeling the cold weather at the moment...So that in itself should be quite funny!
So kids (thats so patronising) REMEMBER TO SUPPORT A CHARITY!
FOLLOW Teenage Cancer Trust on twitter or LIKE there facebook page
Lets raise some awareness!
Remember to follow me at @Eskimo_Kiss123
And follow me on tumblr if you want -
Oh yeah, I'll post more links during the week!
I thought I'd leave you with a 'written' post rather than a link!
So, I'm guessing your wondering why I would name this post Charities?
Today, me and friend are doing some charity work to help Teenage Cancer Trust!
Its all for a good cause - so it should be quite nice!
One problem!
It looks so cold outside, I'm really not feeling the cold weather at the moment...So that in itself should be quite funny!
FOLLOW Teenage Cancer Trust on twitter or LIKE there facebook page
Lets raise some awareness!
Remember to follow me at @Eskimo_Kiss123
And follow me on tumblr if you want -
Oh yeah, I'll post more links during the week!
Friday, 9 December 2011
Frank Ocean - Thinking About You (Sango Remix)
Frank Ocean - Thinking About You (Sango Remix)
OMGOSH I love this! Ahhhh! I wanna download it now! But I cant! :( This makes me sad!
Little Dragon - Ritual Union (Sango Remix)
Little Dragon - Ritual Union (Sango Remix)
I love Little Dragon and I love Ritual Union - I just wanna download this right now! Argggh! Does anyone know where I can find this?
I would be so grateful!
The Weeknd - Gone (Sango Remix)
The Weeknd - Gone (Sango Remix)
I thought this was good, I now need to listen to the original - I don't usually like listening to the remix first because then the original is usually a disappointment! I hope this one isn't!
Delilah - Love You So [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Adam Curtice documentary feel so i love the video
And her voice is so beautiful - she has a slightly more soulful bjork sound? maybe.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Khia - My Neck, My Back (Clean) (Car Wash Version) (Lyrics) (HD)
A friend and myself requested this song for our Christmas Party - did they play it? No!
So, as this is a tuneee its going up on my blog!
Monday, 5 December 2011
Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Garden
I love this, I heard this ages ago and Ive wanted to post it for ages. But I couldnt remember for the life of me, the name of the band or the song! But thanks to Grimshaw Ive finally found it! Thanks BBCR1? :P
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Von D ft. Phephe - Show Me [Full]
Also love a bit of Von D on a sunday evening (and well everyday!)
Ahhh -I love music - talking of loving music the next song I'll post will be another song by Von D and its called Love Music
Tyler The Creator - Yonkers
Ive got in to Tyler the Creator - he's videos are always so weird, and complex. So good though!
The Noose of Jah City - King Krule
I first heard this song, last weekend on BBCR1.
And I thought it was absolutely stunning. Its by a guy called Archy Marshall - who goes by the name of King Krule/Zoo Kid.
He's only 17 and he's a London kid - so there is much respect for him!
Defo a personal Top 10 tune!
Archy Marshall,
King Krule,
Zoo Kid
Towers - Bon Iver
I also heard this one in Camden - at first I wasnt too keen on this song, but then I slowly became quite addicted! :P
Such a nice song, so beautiful.
I have a mini story about Bon Iver - I was on skype and my mate was like "Oooo what was that you were just playing?" and I was like " Oh just Bon Iver - Towers" and she was like "Bon Iver? Why are you saying it like that?" and I was like "Like what?" and she was like "With a french accent?" and I was like "...err, Im not - thats how its said." and she said its "Bon over" and I was like "Errr...No" and she clearly got embarrassed and was like "Dont worry!"
That made my evening! :P
Jamie xx - Beat For
Anything to do with the SW London band is gonna be amazing - Jamie XX is amazing!
Im totally in love with The XX - so when I first heard this I was in love! :P
Such a good tuneeee!
It has that XX feel, but then it also sounds quite individual from the the sounds the XX usually make! Anyway - I just love this!
Alt-J ∆ - Tessellate
I found this song through a friend - who I meet in Camden. She thought it was quite a good tune, and I've grown to agree!
The other day (Friday) I had this song on my mind (like all day!) it was a little annoying - but its a good tune to have on repeat in your mind to be honest!
Little Dragon - Precious
One of my favourites - I'm not even joking, this song is just amazing in every way - and I could listen to it 24/7. Its just amazing!
Little Dragon - Brush The Heat
Such an amazing song - I love listening to Little Dragon - they have really calm voices that makes you just wanna relax but then it has that juxtaposing emotion with it that makes you wanna dance. Either way, its a sik tune!
So, that was some of the old skool classics that I enjoy listening to...
The next few posts are gonna be more modern...
But still amazing!
Remember to follow @Eskimo_Kiss123
The next few posts are gonna be more modern...
But still amazing!
Remember to follow @Eskimo_Kiss123
Rob Base and DJ E Z Rock - It Takes Two
I just remember the early 90's version of this - but this is just as good.
It takes two,
Rob Base,
Sugarhill Gang - Jump on it
I do enjoy playing some Sugarhill Gang - Im clearly in the mood to dance - with all these dance/hip hop classics!
Technotronic - Pump up the Jam
This song reminds me of the summer holidays - most days spent on 'Just Dance Wii' - which was great fun!
Just Dance,
pump the jam,
Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn...
As promised my next post is here...
I'm gonna post all the songs that I think should be about 5mins (not that time will matter if your reading this in about a day/week/month/years time).
Remember to follow me at @Eskimo_Kiss123
I'm gonna post all the songs that I think should be about 5mins (not that time will matter if your reading this in about a day/week/month/years time).
Remember to follow me at @Eskimo_Kiss123
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Blogs, Poetry and Essays
Right, I’m gonna let you in to a little secret.
I love writing.
I’m not even joking. blogs, poetry, essays – you name it, I love it!
And as I’m such a huge fan of creatively adapting the mind to create something with more depth and soul than religion (oops, I went there :P ) – I figured that I should start writing more of that stuff myself. When I say “more of that stuff” I mean, I should be writing creative pieces and poetry and then possibly videoing myself saying it or – somehow writing it on the net. However the whole copyright thing is a bit of a bugger – as (for obvious reasons) I don’t want people stealing my material. Or I may forever keep them locked in a cupboard for only the small goblins to see.
Talking of Goblins – I’ve been listening to Tyler the Creator (and in all honesty, that was all spontaneous – I didn’t plan for goblins to lead me in to Tyler talk – if you wondered). Tyler the creator is a weird lad, but nonetheless a very cool lad with a paradoxical mind. But I’ll save the Tyler talk for another post. As I don’t want my posts to be too long – because then it gets boring and I might as well start drawing grey lines across the screen (as that’s how it may appear – as the eye movement become sombre and repetitive).
The next post will be up soon.
Remember to follow me at @Eskimo_Kiss123 on Twitter.
And my tumblr is:
Erica x
Right, Its blog time again.
Right, its blog time again.
I feel like the worst blogger in the world. I’m sure there isn’t a blogger out there as bad (ass) as me who neglects their lovely readers! Not very nice to of me - to be completely honest.
Well, I’m basically here again to tell everyone what’s been happening.
And to be completely honest, I’ve done Nothing (like how the ‘Nothing’ has a capital N to signify the importance and to place more emphasis on the idea that I have done absolutely nothing?).
And that’s probably why I haven’t been blogging as much – or you could look at it in another way, and since I haven’t been blogging as much you could infer that I have been keeping myself busy! But as I said that’s not really the case!
HOWEVER… If you consider finding ‘new’ music – I say ‘new’ music because music is never really new – someone always heard it before you. In addition I have been trying to find new hobbies – via my creative side – which has been rather exciting. So if you look at that as keeping busy – then I suppose I have been keeping busy!
Very busy!
Anyway the next post will be up very soon - hopefully.
And I've found some awesome music (through friends, family and the radio) that I just wanna share with the world!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Days...'the indie life'
Heya Blog Readers of the World,
As it is Monday I shall be writing about my week (quick note to remember – I’ll use the word sik a lot in this post – just because sik is the word of the day! And it’s pretty bangin’).
Monday to Wednesday I don’t remember (suggesting that those days were rather poo!).
Thursday I did a radio show, pretty sik. Not live though. But still pretty sik.
Friday – I can’t remember (so also a rather standard day).
Saturday was amazing. I had a bangin day with my mates – chilling in London Town. And then we found this band along the embankment (Psylus) and spent about half an hour of our evening dancing to them (It might have been more). And we found this awesome dustbin man? (there’s a question mark because I’m not completely sure he was a dustbin man) And he was dancing too. So we thought we’d test the leadership theory! It didn’t really work – but it was great fun, and I felt so refreshed after!
Sunday was a day spent in bed. Relaxing.
Monday (aka today) was pretty sik too, spent the day in E.London – in music shops, vintage shops, cafes, old school buses, and parks (reading novels to each other) – I had a friend with me. That was pretty awesome - just talking about life, and general ‘boy troubles’ (the words of a pubescent teen. Awkward.) So, this week has been pretty amazing.
I’ll post the pictures during the week J
Follow me on twitter @Eskimo_Kiss123
Follow me on Tumblr -
Monday, 17 October 2011
Pop Culture - Music
Blog Reader,
Interested in reading more? No! Of course you’re not!
I have indeed started using twitter again (so get following @Eskimo_Kiss123 ).
So my question to you is…
What do you do if the man next to you on the bus starts looking at porn?
Is it not awkward?
So, as this is a pop culture blog – for cool people – obviously I have found some “new” music! And music that would qualify for cool music of the week. Because Cool is a cool word!
Well I say “new” but it’s not really new, because it’s been heard before me.
- · Maverick Sabre - I Need (Zed Bias Remix)
- · Niki and the Dove - The Drummer (Fake Blood Remix)
- · Ed Sheeran – Lego House
- · Ed Sheeran – UNI
I’ll post some of the youtube videos – so you can have a listen. Tell me what you think by either commenting! Or just tweet me! (And follow me!)
Follow me on twitter at my NEW TWITTER NAME: @Eskimo_Kiss123 or find me on Tumblr: As you can probably tell I like Eskimo Kisses – or if you really know me well then you’ll know it’s an amazing song by The Kooks.
E x
Ed Sheeran,
Eskimo Kiss,
The Kooks,
Monday, 10 October 2011
Itz been a long time ;)
Its been a long time since I last wrote.
Scarily long!
Since the last time I wrote, I've deleted my twitter :/ (completely random)
But I might bring it up again...I dont know though.
I think my blog is gonna be based on pop culture.
Scarily long!
Since the last time I wrote, I've deleted my twitter :/ (completely random)
But I might bring it up again...I dont know though.
I think my blog is gonna be based on pop culture.
- Fashion
- Old Music
- New Music
- Films
- and mostly British TV
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Star Wars Day...
I love The Kooks
Heya Blog Readers,
My fact of Life today was a little boring. But ahhh well.
So, as a result of me being in the revising zone for the next two months. TWO MONTHS! I've made it official.
I'm going to be a Geek for next two months.
Starting from today.
So, as a geek. I revise 24/7, read books in my free time, enjoy maths lessons thoroughly and I'll say things like "May the Fourth be with you"
Because I'm cool like that.
Oh yeah, not to mention - I'll go around thinking I'm really cool! :D
When really I'm abnormally strange! :P
Remember to follow @EricaPritchard
On here and on twitter.
I need to start getting these views up! :D x
E x
I love The Kooks
Heya Blog Readers,
My fact of Life today was a little boring. But ahhh well.
So, as a result of me being in the revising zone for the next two months. TWO MONTHS! I've made it official.
I'm going to be a Geek for next two months.
Starting from today.
So, as a geek. I revise 24/7, read books in my free time, enjoy maths lessons thoroughly and I'll say things like "May the Fourth be with you"
Because I'm cool like that.
Oh yeah, not to mention - I'll go around thinking I'm really cool! :D
When really I'm abnormally strange! :P
Remember to follow @EricaPritchard
On here and on twitter.
I need to start getting these views up! :D x
E x
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
A lot of Pritchards
Random fact of (Erica's) Life

- I love music.
Heya Blog reader,
So, I've found an artist that has a stunning voice. Lauren Pritchard.
And I remember last year, on my way home I saw one of those posters stuck up on an old unused building - promoting Lauren Pritchard.
I'm not gonna lie. Originally I was attracted to the poster because I adore Luke Pritchard from The Kooks, and I thought it was Kooks related.
When I read in to it mentioned singer, Lauren Pritchard. Not until this year was I thinking about it. And I slowly tapped in L-A-U-R-E-N P-R-I-T-C-H-A-R-D on to youtube.
And appeared 'Stuck'.
I can gladly say I am a fan!
Fantastic Song. Starring the Actor Michael Socha best known for This Is England 86 (Channel 4 Drama).
Give Lauren Pritchard a listen!
Remember to follow me: @EricaPritchard
E x
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Random fact of (Erica's) Life
Dear Blog Readers,
I haven't blogged in a little while, and thats purely because I don't have anything to blog about.
Just thinking about it...maybe from now on, every time I write a blog, I should leave a little fact about myself in it (just to add a little more substance to this boring blog).
Remember to follow me!
E x
- I want to get a puppy and a kitten.
Dear Blog Readers,
I haven't blogged in a little while, and thats purely because I don't have anything to blog about.
Just thinking about it...maybe from now on, every time I write a blog, I should leave a little fact about myself in it (just to add a little more substance to this boring blog).
Remember to follow me!
E x
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Music, Bands and the Mainstream...
What is with your obsession with trying to be different and trying to prove that your'e "eclectic" and non-mainstream in the music you listen to?!
I just don't understand?
The fact that your obsessive about not being in to mainstream bands makes you stranger than those actually infatuated by mainstream music, don't you think?
The fact that I care does that make me worse than those who desire to be outrageously different?
I just don't understand?
The fact that your obsessive about not being in to mainstream bands makes you stranger than those actually infatuated by mainstream music, don't you think?
The fact that I care does that make me worse than those who desire to be outrageously different?
Having little moment when you remember your get that same rush!
Having little moment when you remember your past and how weird you were...My mate and I was reflecting on the music we used to listen to, and no joke, once you've had a love for something and you hear/see it again you get that same rush! Its great!
Follow me on Twitter: @EricaPritchard
Tweet me once you have followed me so, that I can follow you back
Follow me on Twitter: @EricaPritchard
Tweet me once you have followed me so, that I can follow you back
Fall Out Boy,
Aside from this hideous annoyance that is bullying me and restricting me from feeling much...
When people ask me what my blogs are about I often lie.
I often find the words "feelings" come out of my mouth. Well, if you were talking about the past, then that fact would indeed be the truth but, recently I haven't written about feelings. It sounds weird and a little depressing, but I'm pretty sure I haven't 'felt' much in the last month. And I would usually say..."and I don't know why". But in this case I do.
Whether I tell you or not, is a different story.
So, I like you. I like you a lot (well, at least I think I do)...But you just don't feel the same way. Well, instead of not replying, why don't you grow a pair stop being such a...
- I don't know - but you could finish that sentence off.
I know I've said this many times, and what if this time I actually meant it. What if this was the finally push that made me realise how much of an actual bumder you are. And what if I finally said, for the last time that I dont like you!Or in your words (Without actually saying words but...) "I dont have feelings for you"
I could just rant and rave about how much some people annoy me, but I'm not really feeling like in the mood to do so. I'm trying to focus on me. On my education. And anything else associated with me!
Aside from this hideous annoyance that is bullying me and restricting me from feeling much, recently I have been listening to a lot of Drake. And I strongly admire his music. He really does say how it is, and he really expresses himself through the means of rap and singing. And, I think a guy who is talented in the arts is just HOT.
The album is called Thank Me Later, it really has some stunning tracks in it.
Fireworks, Shut it Down and Show me a Good time (being personal favs).
I strongly recommend this album! Its fantastic!
E x
Remember to follow me on Twitter: @EricaPritchard
And tweet me as soon as you have so that I can follow you! :D xx
When people ask me what my blogs are about I often lie.
I often find the words "feelings" come out of my mouth. Well, if you were talking about the past, then that fact would indeed be the truth but, recently I haven't written about feelings. It sounds weird and a little depressing, but I'm pretty sure I haven't 'felt' much in the last month. And I would usually say..."and I don't know why". But in this case I do.
Whether I tell you or not, is a different story.
So, I like you. I like you a lot (well, at least I think I do)...But you just don't feel the same way. Well, instead of not replying, why don't you grow a pair stop being such a...
- I don't know - but you could finish that sentence off.
I know I've said this many times, and what if this time I actually meant it. What if this was the finally push that made me realise how much of an actual bumder you are. And what if I finally said, for the last time that I dont like you!
I could just rant and rave about how much some people annoy me, but I'm not really feeling like in the mood to do so. I'm trying to focus on me. On my education. And anything else associated with me!
Aside from this hideous annoyance that is bullying me and restricting me from feeling much, recently I have been listening to a lot of Drake. And I strongly admire his music. He really does say how it is, and he really expresses himself through the means of rap and singing. And, I think a guy who is talented in the arts is just HOT.
The album is called Thank Me Later, it really has some stunning tracks in it.
Fireworks, Shut it Down and Show me a Good time (being personal favs).
I strongly recommend this album! Its fantastic!
E x
Remember to follow me on Twitter: @EricaPritchard
And tweet me as soon as you have so that I can follow you! :D xx
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Earth Hour 2011
Dear Blog Reader,
As I promised last week, I would blog about this spectacular invention on my eyes. Yes, glasses.
I only need to wear them, when I'm reading loads or when I'm on the laptop/computer for a long time.
But here they areee!
Anyway, apart from getting glasses, I have found an awesome band. I was listening to Radio One as you do on a Sunday, Grimmy played Body Language!
I instantly fell in love! They have some really awesome music. I don't really know how to describe there sound! But its awesome. They are a band from Brooklyn. And they are pretty young. The band consists of four musically talented wonderfuls! And I recommend you give them a listen! They are just too awesome.
Thanks, I'll be blogging soon! :D
Remember to follow me on Twitter: @EricaPritchard
I'll follow back! xx
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Body Language - You Can
Amazing song, I literally just heard it on the Radio and I loveeee it!
Give it a listen.
Follow me on Twitter (and tweet me once you've followed me and I'll give you a solo shoutout)
Thanks xx
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Sir: What is the meaning of Chemistry?
Amazing Mate: *Whispers* The bond between two people. LOL
Me (The Chemistry Clever Clogs): Phahaha
Sir: Why do you always laugh? Haha
Me (The Chemistry Clever Clogs): Well she just said the bond between two people.
Amazing Mate: *WTF!!!*
Sir: Well...(Some long arse explanation about how Love has a scientific and historical explanation).10mins wasted on something irrelevant to our Science GCSE.
During this lecture, we're listening intently and also giggling - because thats all I do in Science!
Me and Mate: LOOL "Lets use that in History" :) BIG SMILES <3
We are too cool ;) <3
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Glasses Situation....
Yes...I am indeed getting glasses!
I really like the ones I picked :D
By next week there will be a blog up with a picture of me with my glasses on. Sexy?
Follow me on Twitter: EricaPritchard
Tweet me as soon as you have followed so, I can follow you on twitter and I can read your blog! :D
Yes...I am indeed getting glasses!
I really like the ones I picked :D
By next week there will be a blog up with a picture of me with my glasses on. Sexy?
Follow me on Twitter: EricaPritchard
Tweet me as soon as you have followed so, I can follow you on twitter and I can read your blog! :D
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Long time no see? Long time no speak? Long time no read?
I don't know what term you would use on a blog.Remember I'm still new to this!
I was just going through, my planner and I found this picture that my mate and I drew in English. What do you guys think?
I thought he was pretty cool! And he has an awesome name! Freddie! It doesn't get any better than that. He's rather abstract.
I don't know what term you would use on a blog.
I was just going through, my planner and I found this picture that my mate and I drew in English. What do you guys think?

He looks like a two legged heart shaped dinosaur. Awww! :'D
This feels a little weird, I feel like I'm talking to myself. But...
If, by any chance your reading this...then I'm not talking to myself. Clearly.
Follow me on Twitter: @EricaPritchard
And send me a tweet if you've read my blog, and I'll follow you back!
Monday, 7 March 2011
This is my spring playlist...
What songs are HAWT this spring...
I would defiantly suggest Eliza Doolittle. She has an amazing, jazzy voice. Full of a lot of texture, and a mixture of genre's. Another definite, is the KOOKS as usual. As I'm a huge fan of The Kooks, I'm always going to "big" them up. And a new one on the scene is Jamie Woon. He's genre is a little more difficult to put in to a couple of words. But non the less, still stunning and wonderful!
1. Eliza Doolittle - Smokey Room
2.Rumer - Slow
3.Little Dragon - Stormy Weather
4.Jamie Woon - Spirits
(All of the songs begin with S - Hahaha)
5.Ella Chi - Picturesque
6.Kate Nash - Nicest Thing
7.Dan Black - Wonder
8.John Mayer - Stop this Train
9.Little Dragon - Thunder Love
10.Little Dragon - Stranger
<<< MUSIC NEWS >>>
The Kooks NEW album will be out VERY SOON!
I asked the producer, myself! :D
Follow me on twitter: EricaPritchard
Sunday, 6 March 2011
"Thinking is the Talking of the Soul with Itself"
Last night, my friend and I were on the train home. From an amazing concert. And we were sitting on the Train and then I noticed a post-it note on the window.
So, obviously I read it. And it said 'THINKING IS THE TALKING OF THE SOUL WITH ITSELF'. I really don't understand why I'm so, inspired by it. But I am! I feel like its got a deeper meaning!
Anyway, I researched it earlier, and its one Plato's quotes. Wondering who that guy is?
He's a Greek Philosopher from "back in the day" The meaning of the quote is somehow quite ambiguous yet, so clear? Which in itself is an ambiguous thought.
But this is what I gathered from it; The thoughts that run though your head, is the soul/conscience speaking to you.
I suppose, I feel so inspired by this because, I'm quite an imaginative person.
Anyway, this weekend has gone by so fast, but has been PHENOMENAL! I've spent a lot of it with my friend! So, Saturday I had a lie-in (kinda). I woke up at about 10am. Got ready, and left by 3 to meet my friend at her house.
However the journey there was very, surreal. And I felt quite disembodied. But in a good, way. I don't really think that word is a good word to describe the journey to my mates. But oh well!
I finally arrived. After being stuck in traffic.
We journeyed though London, and we finally got to our destination.
We entered the smoked out venue! And the music began. It was amazing!
Waiting around for the band after the concert was pointless. But we done it. We later found out they came back to the hotel at about 1am.
Gladly we didn't stay around!
We returned home, late...But thats the life of a teenager, right?
We slept in until 11am :D
Breakfast was next...then I got ready...and
"Bye see you tomorrow" was my last non internet word to my mate.
SO, that was how the majority of my weekend was spent.
Today, Ive just been chilling, with my family.
Done some homework (defiantly the best part of the weekend).
Currently I'm listening to BBCR1 (Annie Mac and Nick Grimshaw) while blogging! Nothing is better than this relaxed feeling, while doing and listening to things I throughly enjoy!
Thursday, 10 February 2011
The clouds look so heavenly and peaceful…I often imagine myself walking on clouds…dancing and laughing with my mates. The music in my imaginary world is the type of music that I love and that puts a smile on my face and makes me so HAPPY. I wonder what is actually in the cloud in my imaginary world :)
I bet they actually taste like candy floss. Mmmmm :P
Heya Everyone,
I hope you enjoy my blog if this is your first time of reading it, if its not, than still have fun. I hope you enjoy.
What is love? What is the true meaning of love? And, can that question ever be answered?
Love is something that most, (if not all) want.
And well to be honest, love is probably the closest thing we have to magic, and I know that’s such a cliche expression. But maybe it is.
Being loved is having the sense of belonging, having a reason to live, having a reason to laugh, to write, to sing and to dance.
Love is about having that tingly feeling inside; which makes your heart glow and pump at a speed, that’s faster than light :)
Love is about waking up, and knowing that there is a reason to wake up. Its about appreciating what you have and allowing it to fill your life with tears of happiness.
Tears that are so, refreshing and pure.
Its about loving nature and the fact that, the things that fill your world, is so amazing. Like the sun being a ball of fire, the wind being currents of curly wurly unexplainable things, and that the earth is kept together by the small animals doing their best to survive in the western world - that we live in.
Its about the music you feel and hear in your body. Music isn’t just a few electronics that make a collage of sounds. Its a beat. Its a rhythm - Its something we’ve grown up with. Everything has a beat or at least a rhythm. After all, its the first thing we heard when we are inside our mothers bellies!
Love is about the art that creates the person who we are. The complexity of our mind, our thoughts and our soul - Its about appreciating that and showing it off. Its about finding the divine and true self within - which is often blocked and hidden by your ego.
I know everything in my life is beautiful. My friends. My family…My world - that I live in and share a part of, just like you.
Love is about YOU ♥
Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you liked it :)
Erica xxx
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