Thursday, 10 February 2011


The clouds look so heavenly and peaceful…I often imagine myself walking on clouds…dancing and laughing with my mates. The music in my imaginary world is the type of music that I love and that puts a smile on my face and makes me so HAPPY. I wonder what is actually in the cloud in my imaginary world :)
I bet they actually taste like candy floss. Mmmmm :P


Heya Everyone,
I hope you enjoy my blog if this is your first time of reading it, if its not, than still have fun. I hope you enjoy.
What is love? What is the true meaning of love? And, can that question ever be answered?
Love is something that most, (if not all) want.
And well to be honest, love is probably the closest thing we have to magic, and I know that’s such a cliche expression. But maybe it is.
Being loved is having the sense of belonging, having a reason to live, having a reason to laugh, to write, to sing and to dance.
Love is about having that tingly feeling inside; which makes your heart glow and pump at a speed, that’s faster than light :)
Love is about waking up, and knowing that there is a reason to wake up. Its about appreciating what you have and allowing it to fill your life with tears of happiness.
Tears that are so, refreshing and pure.
Its about loving nature and the fact that, the things that fill your world, is so amazing. Like the sun being a ball of fire, the wind being currents of curly wurly unexplainable things, and that the earth is kept together by the small animals doing their best to survive in the western world - that we live in.
Its about the music you feel and hear in your body. Music isn’t just a few electronics that make a collage of sounds. Its a beat. Its a rhythm - Its something we’ve grown up with. Everything has a beat or at least a rhythm. After all, its the first thing we heard when we are inside our mothers bellies!
Love is about the art that creates the person who we are. The complexity of our mind, our thoughts and our soul - Its about appreciating that and showing it off. Its about finding the divine and true self within - which is often blocked and hidden by your ego. 
I know everything in my life is beautiful. My friends. My family…My world - that I live in and share a part of, just like you.
Love is about YOU ♥
Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you liked it :)
Erica xxx


10th February 2011
So, I'm sitting on my bed, looking at a computer screen and writing my 1st post (well, actually my second. Only if you count my first one as a proper one).
Listening to John Mayer in one ear, and listening to the rain outside through the other. While thinking...Is anyone actually gonna follow my blog? And is anyone gonna read any of this. Obviously, if no one does by next month than this will be a small dot in  space. Because I'll probably delete it!

I might upload some of my old stuff from Tumblr. Ahhh, the days when I actually used to write. Instead of re-blogging everything I saw.

Usually blogs actually have some sort of meaning, but I suppose this will be some sort of online diary about a life that only a minority of the worlds population will care about.

I mean, imagine if this blew up in to something greater than I ever thought it could be.
All this stuff that I'm writing could be everywhere within seconds!

Gimme a minute and I'll put some other stuff on this (clearly) AMAZING blog!

Erica x


Hey Blog readers, 

I'm completely new to this. I just wanted to start a blog because I love writing and I figured that I need a hobby of some sort. And so this is it...
If blog writing counts as a hobby.

So, my name is Erica, I loveee music! And I would consider myself as quite artistic. But in a different way than usual. I would say I'm artistic with music and words. As opposed to the more obvious Drawings and paintings. 
So, I suppose you can expect some deep words of wisdom from me. 
I want to be a broadcast and column journalist when I'm older. 
Anything in radio or TV is my IDEAL place of work! 

My moto to life is LIVE LOVE LAUGH
I don't think there is anything better than those words. 
So, just remember to smileee - Why? Because smiling is GOOD for you!